Another one of my favorite, “nutty” things!

If I had to quickly ramble off a list of my favorite things, there is no doubt that peanut butter would land pretty high up on that list.  I know this may sound a bit nutty (no pun intended) but when my day calls for a quick snack between meals, you undoubtedly will find me reaching for that peanut butter and typically a banana to go with it.  While I love, love, love a spoonful of peanut butter, anytime, anywhere, I love it even more when it’s accompanied by a not-too-ripe banana.  And since PB&J is a frequent lunch here in our home, there is seldom a day that goes by that I don’t think of my peanut butter.  And this morning I finally realized just how deep my love for peanut butter is.  I had enjoyed my banana while spreading peanut butter on it after each bite.  But while picking up the container and walking back to the pantry to put it back in it’s place, I actually looked at my dear JIF and said out loud “I love you!”.  I mean, I actually said it out loud!!!!!  So yes, that probably does make me a little bit (no, probably a lot) nutty, but it’s true.  I do love my peanut butter!  And after all, it is the #1 choice of choosy moms!  And so with that, it is worthy of having its own place on my blog as another one of my favorite things.

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